The Dr Julie Show: All Things Connected
On the leading edge of personal, social, and global transformation, make connections that inspire and accelerate individual and collective awakening. Join evolutionary leaders and change agents from around the world to explore what’s emergent in health, science, spirituality, and the evolution of consciousness. Break through the illusion of separation, explore the infinite field of possibility, and find beautiful beginnings where endings leave off.
Tuesday Jul 28, 2015
Tuesday Jul 28, 2015
Discover how many are joining to consciously bring forth the evolving human and an awakened world through the practice of universal spiritual principles and the energy of unconditional love. Explore a spiritually motivated way of life that embraces the ancient wisdom traditions of east and west and embodies the belief that consciousness is infinitely creative, operating through thought to shape the manifestation of our reality. Join a global healing through personal transformation, community-building, interfaith, intercultural, and interdisciplinary understanding, and compassionate activism.
Tuesday Jul 21, 2015
Tuesday Jul 21, 2015
Can forgiveness create peace in our lives, and the lives of our families, community, country and world? Azim Khamisa says, "Yes." In this time of heightened racial and cultural tensions, this conversation is more pertinent than ever. Azim lost his son to senseless violence and, rather than lose himself in grief or turn to vengeance, committed himself to teaching nonviolence to children and communities.
Tuesday Jun 30, 2015
Tuesday Jun 30, 2015
We know the world is in crisis: we are spoiling our planet at such a rate that soon it may be unable to sustain human life. This crisis is in fact a vast opportunity, because a secure and satisfying future for all of humanity is perfectly possible if we make the right choices. But building such a future will require the leap in consciousness. Join us and Pioneer the Possible. We will investigate what this new consciousness is and discuss effective leaders who have learned to apply it.
Tuesday Jun 23, 2015
Cultivating the Relationships We Need to Thrive with Carolyn Baker
Tuesday Jun 23, 2015
Tuesday Jun 23, 2015
Explore the key relationships that are critical in times of dramatic change and transition and learn how to navigate differing levels of acceptance, collapse, trauma, and grief. Carolyn and Dr. Julie will discuss how to cultivate our relationships with partners, children, friends, neighbors, as well as our relationships with work, our bodies, natural resources, food, animals, future generations, Eros, and indeed, the powers of the universe.
Tuesday Jun 16, 2015
Tuesday Jun 16, 2015
Explore the inspiring personal story of Jim Ziolkowski’s mission to change the world one community at a time by building schools in developing countries and empowering inner-city youth through service learning programs in the U.S. Be inspired by the faith and the boundless potential of the human spirit, and learn about young people who have decided to step forward, step up, and make a difference.
Tuesday Jun 09, 2015
Dr. Cassandra Vieten and Dr. Katia Petersen
Tuesday Jun 09, 2015
Tuesday Jun 09, 2015
Explore consciousness across the lifespan in this thought provoking conversation about leading edge consciousness research and its down to earth application for both kids and adults. Leaders from the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), President/CEO Dr. Cassandra Vieten, and the Executive Director of Education, Dr. Katia Petersen, discuss the research, education, and membership organization whose mission is supporting individual and collective transformation in the realization of our human potential.
Tuesday Jun 02, 2015
One Spirit Medicine: Ancient Ways to Ultimate Wellness with Alberto Villoldo
Tuesday Jun 02, 2015
Tuesday Jun 02, 2015
Today our minds, our emotions, our relationships, and our bodies are out of kilter. We know it, but we tend to ignore it until something brings us up short—a worrying diagnosis, a broken relationship, the death of a loved one, or simply an inability to function harmoniously in everyday life. Tune in to hear Dr. Alberto Villoldo’s prescription. He suggests you can feel better in a few days, begin to clear your mind and heal your brain in a week, and in six weeks be on your way to effectively “growing a new body”—one that mends rapidly, ages gracefully, and keeps you connected to Spirit, to the earth, and to a renewed sense of purpose in your life.
Tuesday May 26, 2015
Earth Calling with Ellen Gunter
Tuesday May 26, 2015
Tuesday May 26, 2015
Our earliest mythologies tell us we all start as a little bit of dirt. These stories carry a profound message: each of us is born with a deep and abiding connection to the earth, one that many of us have lost touch with. Ellen Gunter, author of Earth Calling, offers an invitation to reestablish our relationship with nature and earth in order to repair our damaged environment.
Tuesday May 19, 2015
All Things LOVE and Relationship with Arielle Ford and Brian Hilliard
Tuesday May 19, 2015
Tuesday May 19, 2015
What if the Universe is set up to deliver the experiences, people and things that are consistent with our personal belief system? And if this is true, what does it take to find the love of your life and keep it? Learn how to use the Law of Attraction, the ancient art of Wabi Sabi, and how to tap into the frequencies of love and compassion to discover deep love with yourself and others.
About Dr. Julie
Dr. Julie is a steward of the new earth, midwifing the evolution of consciousness, supporting whole-system health, and expanding a whole worldview. Her 35-year career as an intuitive, integrative health practitioner and psychotherapist, coupled with her spiritual gifts that emerged after an early childhood Near Death Experience, have influenced her work with evolutionary thought leaders and change-agents from around the world—co-creating connections that inspire personal, cultural, and planetary healing.
As a visionary leader, her authentic, down-to-earth approach assists in bridging worlds, navigating change, and bringing a message of hope in liminal times of whole-systems transformation. Whether speaking or working with individuals and groups, Krull eloquently shifts awareness away from the ego-centric challenges of separation to a healthier, soul-centric flow of resonance, coherence, unity, and deep alignment with our essential nature.
Dr. Julie is a Mentor of Conscious Evolution. She supports high impact leaders and influencers who are working collaboratively toward conscious, global transition. Dr. Julie is a dynamic speaker, teacher, Co-Founder and President of GOOD of the WHOLE, INC, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, popular host of The Dr. Julie Show: All Things Connected, and author of the international bestselling and Nautilus award-winning book, Fractured Grace: How to Create Beauty, Peace and Healing for Yourself and the World. She is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle. Invite Dr. Julie to speak at your next event at:
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Good of the Whole
Good of the Whole, LLC is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization - a growing community with a global mission and shared evolutionary purpose to cultivate an ethos of wholeness and nurture our innate capacity to live for the good of the whole. As a charitable, tax-exempt organization, we depend solely on your generous gifts of time, talent and resources to support to The Connection Field and other community-led programs. With your help, we are able to engage and support evolutionary change-agents, programs and initiatives. Join us and co-create a world where every individual feels valued, connected and whole.