The Dr Julie Show: All Things Connected
On the leading edge of personal, social, and global transformation, make connections that inspire and accelerate individual and collective awakening. Join evolutionary leaders and change agents from around the world to explore what’s emergent in health, science, spirituality, and the evolution of consciousness. Break through the illusion of separation, explore the infinite field of possibility, and find beautiful beginnings where endings leave off.
Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
Living in Global Coherence with Heart Intelligence with Deborah Rozman
Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
These changing times invite us to navigate with more personal balance, coherence and heart-based connection with each other. Collectively, we are experiencing the desire to raise the vibration of our consciousness.This consciousness, coherence and heart-based connection can help shift humanity’s energies from separation to cooperation and lead us to higher solutions to our global problems. And the best part: Science is showing us we have all the resources within us to effect radical change.
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Regenerative Resilience in Global Crisis with Carolyn Baker
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Can we live passionate, purposeful, inspired lives in spite of the global crisis we are facing? Can a transformation of consciousness and a new sense of relatedness restore our sanity and create regenerative and radical change on our planet? Carolyn Baker will lead us through a path of resilience and open our minds to radical change.
Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
How to Liberate Yourself with Just One Word with Laurie McCammon
Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
We are currently living in a cultural myth characterized by ideas of separation, unworthiness, and scarcity. It is a culture that indoctrinates each and every one of us to the idea that we are separate, on our own, and there never is enough to go around. We are taught to believe that we are not enough and we never will be. But what if there were one word, that could completely liberate us as individuals and a culture? “Enough!,” says Laurie McCammon.
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Moving Humanity from Fear to Love with Robert Williams
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
What happens when we live all emotions, thoughts, and body feelings as love as opposed to just searching for love? We are free to give to others without need or fear. That love, pure heart consciousness has the power to transform your life and the world. Tune in as Dr. Julie and Robert Williams explore ways you can tap into this power.
Wednesday Oct 11, 2017
Living Your Awakening in Every Moment with Amoda Maa
Wednesday Oct 11, 2017
Wednesday Oct 11, 2017
What if we can break through the illusion of separation with a deeply embodied feminine expression of awakened consciousness? One that can be realized in the midst of our everyday lives and has the capacity to transform our well-being, our relationships, our work, and our life purpose? Amoda Maa invites us into this awakened consciousness and to discover authentic freedom by being both fully awake and fully human.
Wednesday Oct 04, 2017
The Global Blue Hour with Katie Teague
Wednesday Oct 04, 2017
Wednesday Oct 04, 2017
We are living through what Katie Teague calls the Global Blue Hour. In photography lingo “the Blue Hour” is that period of time before the sun has risen, when a blue cape of Mystery drapes the landscape. It’s a time when our perceptions play tricks on us and we’re not sure what’s real, a time of natural confusion to our normal way of orienting ourselves. This Global Blue Hour is a collective liminal space. A new day is upon us. We are waking in consciousness. Listen to this visual storyteller and be inspired to create a new world today.
Wednesday Sep 20, 2017
Playing in the Unified Field of Consciousness with Anneloes Smitsman
Wednesday Sep 20, 2017
Wednesday Sep 20, 2017
From our indigenous roots through the great awakening, from galactic exploration to multidimensional realities, from ancient wisdom to the evolution of consciousness and back around to sourcing the Divine within, we have been on a wild ride! Everything is changing. Join Anneloes Smitsman and Dr. Julie as they explore the unified field of consciousness and how to hold the form of our inherent wholeness.
Wednesday Sep 13, 2017
Beyond Mindfulness to Lasting Peace with Stephan Bodian
Wednesday Sep 13, 2017
Wednesday Sep 13, 2017
What if you could let go of effort and struggle and relax back into the happiness and ease that is your birthright? Explore a direct approach to spiritual awakening and realize your natural state of inherent wakefulness and innate peace. No regular practice is required, just the willingness to open yourself to a transformative new way of experiencing life.
Tuesday Sep 05, 2017
The Nature of Consciousness with Rupert Spira
Tuesday Sep 05, 2017
Tuesday Sep 05, 2017
Tune in for some fun – or maybe frustration – depending on your awareness in this moment. Dr. Julie and Rupert Spira explore the nature of consciousness, and the nature of mind. What is separation? What is the infinite, indivisible whole of being or awareness? And how can we even have a conversation about consciousness when it’s not an “object or thing” within time or space. Rupert says, “We do not have awareness; we are awareness… Everything that is known by the mind is an expression and reflection of its own limitations.” Come muse in an infinite field of possibilities!
Wednesday Aug 30, 2017
Being Conscious about the Shift in Consciousness with Sherryl Lin
Wednesday Aug 30, 2017
Wednesday Aug 30, 2017
Have you noticed how many different ideas are floating around about what is happening on the planet and what the future holds? Are you noticing all the different ways people are talking about change? Different lenses create different pictures. An auto lens is different from a manual lens. A microscopic lens is different from a telescopic lens. Join Sherryl Lin and Dr. Julie as they explore different ways of looking at the shift in consciousness.
Wednesday Aug 23, 2017
Catalyzing Global Change (Beyond the Ordinary) with John Burgos
Wednesday Aug 23, 2017
Wednesday Aug 23, 2017
Activate your soul’s consciousness and change everything! Explore the realms beyond the ordinary and learn how to bring all areas of your life into harmony with the new consciousness. This single shift could catalyze global change and open a world of possibility.
Wednesday Aug 16, 2017
Understanding the Inflammatory Response Personal and Global Healing with Sherryl Lin
Wednesday Aug 16, 2017
Wednesday Aug 16, 2017
There is so much stirred up right now. People are searching for ways to be a part of the solution without being overwhelmed with stress, anxiety, anger and feelings of helplessness. There are inflammatory energies everywhere—news media, social media, and in private conversations. It is important to understand—both personally and globally—how these energies are affecting us and what we can do about them. Listen in as Sherryl Lin, a medical intuitive, shares an enlightening perspective.
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Is Peace Really Possible with Avon Mattison
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Have you ever thought about the connection between personal peace and world peace? Peace is recognized as both an innate state of Being, and a dynamic evolutionary process wherein constructive growth can occur. Peace gives our children hope for a better world and is one of Humanity’s most precious needs. Avon Mattison has been working to achieve peace for decades and was one of the original members who helped draft the resolution for the International Day of Peace, established in 1981. Listen in as Avon encourages us to make peace our priority and passion, even if we are wondering if peace is even a practical and sustainable reality.
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
A Vegan Cure for Climate Change with Sailesh Rao
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Experts say there is one single industry destroying the planet more than any other, but environmental organizations don’t want to address it. It’s the leading cause of climate change, among other problems. Despite the challenges we face on the planet, Sailesh Rao asks, what if the world doesn’t need to be changed? The world just needs to be understood. When we understand the world correctly, we will change ourselves and the world will change as a result.
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
The Soul Expressed as Human Being with David Tresemer
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
What is soul and spirit? And how can we integrate soul and spirit into our whole-being as humans, our health, well-being, and healing? It’s time to put the soul back into our understanding of what a human being is. How do we do that? Psychologist, Dr. David Tresemer has a few answers.
About Dr. Julie
Dr. Julie is a steward of the new earth, midwifing the evolution of consciousness, supporting whole-system health, and expanding a whole worldview. Her 35-year career as an intuitive, integrative health practitioner and psychotherapist, coupled with her spiritual gifts that emerged after an early childhood Near Death Experience, have influenced her work with evolutionary thought leaders and change-agents from around the world—co-creating connections that inspire personal, cultural, and planetary healing.
As a visionary leader, her authentic, down-to-earth approach assists in bridging worlds, navigating change, and bringing a message of hope in liminal times of whole-systems transformation. Whether speaking or working with individuals and groups, Krull eloquently shifts awareness away from the ego-centric challenges of separation to a healthier, soul-centric flow of resonance, coherence, unity, and deep alignment with our essential nature.
Dr. Julie is a Mentor of Conscious Evolution. She supports high impact leaders and influencers who are working collaboratively toward conscious, global transition. Dr. Julie is a dynamic speaker, teacher, Co-Founder and President of GOOD of the WHOLE, INC, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, popular host of The Dr. Julie Show: All Things Connected, and author of the international bestselling and Nautilus award-winning book, Fractured Grace: How to Create Beauty, Peace and Healing for Yourself and the World. She is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle. Invite Dr. Julie to speak at your next event at:
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Good of the Whole
Good of the Whole, LLC is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization - a growing community with a global mission and shared evolutionary purpose to cultivate an ethos of wholeness and nurture our innate capacity to live for the good of the whole. As a charitable, tax-exempt organization, we depend solely on your generous gifts of time, talent and resources to support to The Connection Field and other community-led programs. With your help, we are able to engage and support evolutionary change-agents, programs and initiatives. Join us and co-create a world where every individual feels valued, connected and whole.