Wednesday May 09, 2018
The Healing and Regenerative Force of Love with Shelley Darling and Linda Linker Rosenthal
For thousands of years, many different traditions have used a forty-day period as a time that allows for transformation, healing, renewal, regeneration, and rebirth. In sacred readings from ancient traditions, 40 days is shown as a precursor for creating favorable environments for change and the deep preparation of the heart. Through purging the old, we are able to receive a new set of instructions and preparation for a new phase in life. Imagine giving yourself 40 days to experience the healing and regenerative force of love in your daily life. A time to consciously focus on your relationships with yourself, others, Earth, and the Sacred in all Life. Love Lives Here: 40 Days of Reconnection is an invitation to come together as a growing community to restore our connection with the heart of what matters and serve the greater whole. Learn more with Stewards, Shelley Darling and Linda Linker Rosenthal.